Day #4627 (Tue., Sept. 6, 2022) – The Kids Have Covid?

The power went out this morning just before 7 am.  It didn’t come back on till around noon.  It’s amazing how much you take electricity for granted.  I was telling the kids in the olden days you would get up, put a log on the fire, and if it was still dark perhaps turn the kerosene lamp on and do some homework…  You didn’t have electricity back then, so it didn’t disrupt your routine in the slightest.  When the electricity goes out today, your whole work/life balance gets out of whack because you depend on it so much.

The kids are both feeling sick today.  With the lights out my wife had plenty of time to take them to the drive-thru testing facility on Homestead, near the kids preschool.  The tested negative.

My wife set up an appointment for the kids to see the doctor for noonish today.  The doctor examined them and thinks that they have COVID…we will find out the test results for sure tomorrow.  Today though, both kids are home!

The photo to the right shows the “Fruit Pop-Ups” that I picked up the other day at Whole Foods.  Katie said that they tasted bad…  We got a juice pack from Aldi the other day that was also a bit off…  Is this due to the supply chain issues caused by COVID?  Bad quality assurance?  Who knows…

I did a lot of cleaning and shredding and organizing in the bedroom this afternoon and evening.  Making great progress if I do say so myself.

I showed my wife and Katie an episode of “Amazing Interiors” in which this guy from Victoria BC built the ultimate ice hockey fan palace in the basement and backyard of his house.