Day #4631 (Sat., Sept. 10, 2022) – Basement Next Steps

It looks like my wife and I are both fighting off the “whatever” that the kids had last week.  Expected as we are living in such close proximity with them. 

Bobby made a rocket ship terminal out of the magnetic tile toys today (see photo to the left).  We watched a YouTube video on how to do this earlier in the day.

I told Katie today how proud I was of her with her math.  There was a time when she believed that she could not do math, but with dedication she proved that she could.  This “win” will bode well for her in the future as she will always be able to look back upon this success when times get tough.

My wife and I went to the basement this afternoon to determine “next steps”.  We are going to clean it up and hopefully rent it out to a travelling nurse one day.  For now, we need to get the lumber and various other odds and ends out of the workshop.  We texted a local handyman to see if he can come out and give us an estimate on some of the repairs we need to do.