Day #4633 (Mon., Sept. 12, 2022) – Flyleaf Books Promotion

The kids went back to school today for the first time in a week.  Of course they would rather stay home, and not be sick, and play on the iPad, but welcome to the rat race you to… 🙂

Daddy is still not 100%.  I’m fighting off whatever the kids had, but at least I’m somewhat functional.  My wife took Bobby to school today, and had lunch with him and Ethan, but I managed to muster up the energy to go pick him up after school.  He was rather disappointed that I showed up actually.  He was hoping that I would still be sick, not so that I would be sick, but so that he could go home with Ethan’s mom.  They do have fun playing together.

While I was waiting for Bobby I saw a sign on the fence promoting a book signing at FlyLeaf Books (see photo to the left).

On the drive home Bobby explained to me that everywhere on the earth in which you go you are on top of a dead body.  He said that his sister told him this.  I explained to him that I would agree this could possibly be the case in high population areas like cities and towns, but what about on the side of the mountain heading up to Mount Everest?  Few people have ever tried to climb it, which means few have died, which means that there are few bodies under you there…  He listened intently…  Not sure if he got it or not…

I picked up a 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk a week or so a go when I went to Trader Joe’s and it has not even been opened.  What’s up with that?  There was a time when I had to go to Trader Joe’s specifically for chocolate milk.  Go figure…

I did have enough energy tonight to go to Aldi for supplies.  Katie wanted some Reese’s chocolate cups.  I also stopped off at Harris-Teeter to get the Frankenberry cereal that she loves.  I was exhausted when I got home, but it feels good to do at least “little things” like this when you are not 100%.