Day #4634 (Tue., Sept. 13, 2022) – Jam & Turkey Sandwich?
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August’s consumer price index report was released this morning and it showed headline inflation rose 0.1% on a monthly basis despite a drop in gas prices. This sent stocks roaring lower. The DOW lost 1200 points! NVDA reached it’s low this year at $130.99.
Still not feeling my best, my wife took Bobby to school and had lunch with him and Ethan at Glenwood today. I did manage to muster the energy to pick him up and bring him home. During the drive home he told me how Beatrice is bossy like Ethan Campbell. We talked about Brookhaven, a Roblox game, in which Bobby says he loves to “troll” and date and change his avatar on people to surprise them.
When we got home Bobby expressed an interest in a jam & turkey sandwich. I obliged and gave him three squares of chocolate as well (since we will not let him have chocolate just before bed). He also requested a glass of regular milk…we can’t give the chocolate milk away! You can see this “combo meal” in the photo to the right.
Bobby told me that they handed out Chromebooks to his class at Glenwood today. This brings back memories of when they did the same when Katie was going there.
This evening I showed Bobby a YouTube video of bagpipes playing “Scotland the Brave”. I told him what the phrase “Gird Up Loins” means…
Katie told me that they have separated her from Jay, which is nice. She now sits near James, who is a quite student from Glenwood, but studious like her.