Day #4639 (Sun., Sept. 18, 2022) – Katie’s Report Card

My wife and I are both sick today.  Fighting off this virus we both spent a lot of time sleeping.  The kids are enjoying this as it means more time to play on the computers!

Katie is doing well in school this year as you can see in the photo to the right.

We are continuing to acclimate Maple with Batman.  It’s hard to remember the time a few weeks ago in which Maple chased Batman and actually had him in her mouth before my wife pried him away…  Poor Batman.

Remember Genshin Impact?  Katie has been playing it with one of her classmates, Jackie.  Jackie is one of the few students in her class who want to do well it seems…

Bobby asked his mom if he could have a bath this afternoon.  I don’t recall ever asking my mother if I could have a bath.  My wife said that he doesn’t really want to clean himself, but soak and play with his toys.

Bobby was very fussy this evening.  He was up at 6 am and over tired.  He was “out like a light” once his head hit the pillow this evening.

I made another cherry cobbler this evening.  This time I added some bananas, frozen fruit, and more oatmeal.  My wife liked this version more as it was less sweet.