Day #4648 (Tue., Sept. 27, 2022) – COVID In The House

The dog fence has gradually become an addition to our house. The photo to the left shows some of the Morning Glories that are thriving on it.

We kept Katie home from school today as per school policy.  Bobby was complaining of a headache and since we now have COVID in the house, as per school policy, we kept him home from school as well.  He was very active and actually noisy (i.e.: singing the “RickRoll Song”) so it sure doesn’t sound like he has COVID.

As you will note, I was playing Bloxburg with Katie yesterday so I’m pretty sure I must have COVID as well.  I woke up this morning coughing, and very tired, is this how it will manifest itself with me?  I usually don’t have a fever or headache, so I’m not expecting that…  The at home COVID test, which could be inaccurate, says I do not. At any rate, I’m wearing a mask around the house just in case.  My wife set up a doctor’s visit via the phone this afternoon and we explained the situation to her.  She said to come and visit her tomorrow morning to get a COVID test and we’ll take it from there…  We want to be able to send the boy to school at the very least.

One of the first things we are going to get our new handyman Adan to do is to fix the stairs that go up to the attic.  With that done my wife can get some of the old kid’s clothes from the attic and we can either give them away to Arnesa or sell them via a consignment sale.  Adan has a six year old daughter…perhaps he would like some?