Day #4651 (Fri., Sept. 30, 2022) – Hurricane Ian
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I picked up some Fun Dip while I was at Aldi yesterday (see photo to the right). The kids love it! Hard to believe, right? 🙂 Bobby actually said that I should keep getting it as he eats about five packs a day… Hmmm… Time to think about “regulation”…
Hurricane Ian is working it’s way up the coast. They cancelled school in Chapel Hill in anticipation. We have quite a bit of wind swirling around the house, and we can hear a few branches falling on the roof, but nothing too bad (yet?).
This is the last day of September so it’s time to start thinking about Halloween this year. Bobby has expressed a desire to go Trick-Or-Treating with Ethan & Brin, so we’re thinking about maybe going to Southern Village or Meadowmont so the kids can run around in that area. Katie has a Genshin Impact costume that came late last year after Halloween. She could wear that, if she’s still into Halloween this year that is. She is getting older.