Day #4652 (Sat., Oct. 1, 2022) – Ari’s Birthday Party
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The winds from Hurricane Ian have subsided as it has mostly stuck to the shoreline and is working it’s way up the coast.
I stopped off at Walgreens this morning to get my COVID shot. They have a little booth there (see photo to the right) that the nurse will take you in to administer the shot. I should have gotten the shot in my right arm as I am left-handed and my arm was sore after the shot. Let’s see if I get sick or not or this sore arm will be it?
My wife took Bobby to violin class this morning (Katie stayed home due to her COVID), and then to Ari’s Birthday Party. Ari is a boy in his class and the party was held at a local taekwondo studio. It was loud as they shouted and performed their various tricks such as breaking boards. They had cake after the demonstration, and Bobby gave Ari the Lego Lamborghini car kit that we mentioned a few posts ago. My wife asked Bobby if he would be interested in taking this class and he was uninterested. I guess Ethan goes to soccer but Bobby doesn’t want to do that either.
My wife and Katie are still watching “Project Runway” on the living room tv. Kind of a mother-daughter project. When I came out to the living room the other day Heidi Klum, one of the judges, was wearing this outfit that looked like a clown would wear. These people dare to judge the designs of others? I don’t get it… Bobby doesn’t care for the show either…