Day #4655 (Tue., Oct. 4, 2022) – Orchestra Problems
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I’m feeling a bit better than yesterday. At least I seem to have more energy although my “brain fog” is still around. I figured out why! It’s not because I have COVID, but because of the COVID shot I got on Saturday. Similar results, without the COVID. Makes sense, right? That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.
I had enough energy this morning to do something that I’ve been planning on doing for weeks now, create some Rice Krispies treats (see photo to the right). The kids love them, and I gave Bobby the pot full of mashmallow, butter, and Rice Krispies residue, with a spoon, to finish off the tidbits.
I also had energy to make some Sliders (small hamburgers) in our new air fryer for the family. Well, everyone except Katie since she is in school. When I was done I was tired again, so I went to be, but not before I showed Bobby how to play chess online via
We are having some orchestra drama with Katie. She misses the orchestra teacher she had last year, and this years teacher seems to push too hard and is not appreciative enough. We sent the teacher a note, and she replied:
Thank you for reaching out! I’m sorry to hear that she has been feeling sad about orchestra. I definitely understand that she has missed a lot of days of school. That said, though, she is doing a good job keeping up as much as she can. I haven’t noticed any signs during class time. She has seemed pretty positive so far this week. I hope she understands that I Understand that she has missed a lot of school, so I’m giving her grace as she’s catching up. Keep encouraging her to keep at it, and I’ll do the same. I’ll continue to give her encouragement and praise in class. We love having her in here!
Stocks are up today! They were up yesterday as well. The analysts say this is just a “Bear Market Rally” and not to get our hopes up. They expect the market to go down until the Fed stops raising, or at least signals that they are stopping, interest rates.