Day #4664 (Thu., Oct. 13, 2022) – Stuck Earring!

I took Bobby to school this morning.  We got there real early, in fact we were the second car in line and had to wait 10 minutes for the doors to open.  Why?  My wife had to take Katie to Urgent Care as soon as it opens as part of her earring is stuck in her ear.

Urgent Care said that they were scared to take the earring out as part of Katie’s ear had grown around it.  They referred her to a cosmetic surgeon to take care of it.  The appointment is set for tomorrow…  More drama…

Adan did a lot of work around the house today.  He fixed the steps to the attic, so now my wife can get the various items down and either give them away or prep them for sale at the next Consignment Sale.  He also did work on “grouting” the tiles in the bathroom.  He will be working on the tiles in the main bathroom tomorrow.  It’s great to have him around.  He’s such a dedicated and hard worker…something that’s hard to find these days.

This evening my wife and I went down to Lloyd’s Tire to pick up my Camry.  Nice to have a second car back!

The photo to the right shows Maple in “her glory”.  She will grab the nose of her otter plush toy and hold tight…kind of like a baby does with a pacifier.  Her ears will perk up high and she will soon be off to sleep.