Day #4678 (Thu., Oct. 27, 2022) – Katie’s Concert

On the drive home from Glenwood this afternoon Bobby told me that he had a turkey sub for lunch today.  He also mentioned that he likes fruit wraps and “those bars with yogurt bottoms” for his morning snack.  Good to know.  I will get more of these at Aldi.

I was working on the computer this afternoon when Bobby came up to me with some blood flowing from his ankle.  He said he didn’t fall or anything so perhaps it was a mosquito bite?  I put a homemade bandage on it.  Good to go!

Aden finished the 2nd bathroom today.  The cabinet covers have a “Royal Blue” look now.

We went to see Katie perform in her middle school concert this evening (see photo to the right).  Maddie, her former orchestra member, came to see the concert, and we drove her home afterwards.  Meredith, her voice teacher from across the street, also came to see her perform.  After the concert we met up with the orchestra members at Yopop for a treat.  We then drove Maddie home.