Day #4683 (Tue., Nov. 1, 2022) – Two Step Problem
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Bobby was not feeling well last night on the drive home from Glenwood, and then at bedtime last night, and then this morning, so we kept him home from school today. He fell out of bed this morning and hit his head. He said that the reason was because he was sleeping on the side of the bed as mom didn’t give him much room putting him to bed last night.
This morning had a bath and was singing away. He’s still not feeling well and actually went to bed for a nap. He slept for over 3 hours and got up around 2:30 pm.
My wife has given him math homework to do all day so that he will not ever want to stay at home in preference to school ever again… 🙂 I’m helping him out, but he wants to go over the exercises himself first and then get me to double-check. He needed some help to explain what a “2 Step Method” was… Basically where the answer of the first step is used in the equation of the second step (see photo to the right).
We picked up the Camry at Lloyd’s Tire. The reason the engine has been cutting out is that the little switch they put on the battery during COVID to save energy was loose. Another negative by-product of COVID.
This evening I introduced the kids to the book “Legend of the Star Runner” in which each chapter has a mystery that you need to solve. The answer to the first chapter was that the cat was able to make it into the house, which doesn’t really make much sense out of context.
This evening Bobby had me push him on the swing, then we shared some Halloween candy, and then we played a game of Battleship. I’m liking how he is changing when he is away from the iPad and Roblox. It’s like we have the old Bobby back.