Day #4688 (Sun., Nov. 6, 2022) – Busking At Kipo’s
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Bobby was looking for something to do this morning so he ended up blowing leaves off the patio with our leaf blower.
We decided to try out busking again today and ended up at Aldi’s. The kids got to try out the Santa hat and antlers that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day (see photo to the right). Someone threw a $20 bill into the viola case and the total haul was $32.
On the way home I drove past Wegman’s to show the kids another potential busking venue.
This evening we decided to go out busking again as Kipo’s Greek Taverna is quite busy on Sunday evening. We stopped off at the Dollar Store first so Bobby could spend some of his busking money, and I could pick up another Santa hat (Bobby doesn’t like wearing the antlers). He picked up some Silly String and a Nerf-like gun while Katie picked up some gummies.
Tonight’s outing was cut short when Bobby developed a headache. It looks like he might not have totally recovered from what he had last week. We did earn $5 though!