Day #4695 (Sun., Nov. 13, 2022) – Katie Goes Climbing!
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It’s Tinsley’s Birthday today! She invited Katie and a few friends to go to a climbing park in Raleigh (see photo to the left). Katie told me that she was asked by Tinsley to sit in the middle of the van on the drive over.
I stay home with Bobby today. He wanted to go skating again, but was hobbling around after yesterday’s skate, so we decided to stay at home and rest. We invented a new outdoor game: He protects the hockey net and I protect the carport. He kicks a soccer ball and I use a hockey stick on the ball. Pretty evenly matched… Games are close when one person eventually wins and it sure is good exercise!
Once we came inside we created a game out of an empty gallon of milk. Cut a hole in the container, and try to throw little pom-poms into the opening.
This evening Bobby and I went Aldi shopping. It’s better not to go on Sunday evening as they didn’t have the pizza that Katie likes. Bobby did get to pick up some chocolate chip cookies though.
Bobby asked me to put him to bed this evening. I told him how to eat a cockroach:
- Step #1: Bite the head off.
- Step #2: Suck the juice out.
- Step #3: Throw the shell away.
He laughed and laughed at this… 🙂 Gross boy talk… 🙂