Day #4697 (Tue., Nov. 15, 2022) – Both Kids Skate
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I drove Bobby to Glenwood this morning. On the way we talked about the various systems of a car, like the electrical system, the transmission system, the brake system, and the cooling system.
I took both kids skating at the Hillsborough skating rink this evening. Towards the end of the evening they each got more daring and ventured out to the middle of the rink away from the boards. They both did great. Bobby fell and hurt his knee towards the end of the night. We’ll have to make sure that his knee protectors are more snug next time.
On the way home from the skating rink it was raining “Cats & Dogs”. With no street lights, and a cloudy evening, and people with high beams tailgating me, it was one of the most miserable driving experiences I have had in a while. Luckily my wife opened the gate and we were able to drive under the carport! Being soaked in addition to having a miserable driving experience would have capped off the evening.
Donald Trump announced another run for the White House at 9 pm this evening.