Day #4704 (Tue., Nov. 22, 2022) – Explaining Curling

I stopped off at Coastal Federal this morning as I had to deposit a check that I got from Australia.  I happened to notice the “dog dishes” at the front door (see photo to the left).  Quite the way to get business from dog lovers… 🙂

I then stopped off at Walgreens to pick up some drops for Bobby’s “pink eye”.  They don’t have his ear infection medication ready yet.

I opened up an online bank account at TD today.

My wife and Katie like to watch the tv show “Project Runway”, which I affectionately call “Distressed By The Dress”.

We just signed up for the Peacock streaming service as they have a special for $0.99 per month.  Yet another streaming service!  Hard to keep up!

Bobby has been building a telescope.  We ordered a set of lenses for it via Amazon this evening.

This evening I watched some YouTube videos on “curling” and explained the game to Bobby.