Day #4706 (Thu., Nov. 24, 2022) – Thanksgiving

It’s going to be just the four of us for Thanksgiving this year.  Looking back, it was actually 2019 when we had people over for Thanksgiving.  Thank you COVID!

We had a turkey dinner all prepared for Arnesa and family when we had to cancel as Katie has COVID.  Quite the turkey spread that the four of us enjoyed on our own.  You can see Bobby with “the spread” in the photo to the right.  My wife even made gravy.

I told the kids that the President pardoned two turkeys this year.  This brought up the conversation of what “pardon” means.  We also talked about the Thanksgiving tradition in Canada.

As we are all rather “sick” these days we watched a lot of television.

Maple was pawing at the radiator in the dining room.  Is there an animal in there?  Who knows…