Day #4708 (Sat., Nov. 26, 2022) – Christmas Tree

The photo to the left shows the Christmas tree that went up yesterday.

My wife took Katie to doctor this afternoon.  The doctor said that she could do nothing for her, so she will have to suffer till he gets over it.  Poor kid!

While they were away Bobby and I started to watch the movie “Sharknado”, which he soon lost interest in.

Bobby and I then had a game of Battleship.  He lost one of the 2-peg ships, so we had to take the other 2-peg ship off to even up the odds.  Soon he said that he was not feeling well, so we went off to bed for a nap.  He was almost out when he heard Katie come back from the doctor and he was up…

I made some LARGE chocolate chip cookies from the mix I picked up at Aldi the other day.

Sleep finally got to Bobby…  He was out by 5 pm and was still out when my wife and I went to bed at 11 pm.

I went to Aldi this evening for groceries.  We were out of milk and bread and I also picked up some mango fruit bars.