Day #4709 (Sun., Nov. 27, 2022) – TM Technique
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I was up through the night working on Katie and Bobby’s Advent Calendars. This year Katie’s will be “Project Runway” and Bobby’s will be “Roblox” (see photos to the right). They needs to get done soon so we can figure out what to put in them!
Katie is still not feeling 100%. Bobby is much more energetic today than he has been the past few days. I showed Bobby how to make a word search puzzle out of a piece of paper and a pencil. He found the words “key”, “wag”, and “bear.
This evening Bobby and I went out into the front yard and played some “hocker”, basketball, and even threw the baseball around for a bit. Bobby still enjoys making up rules for the various games. I’m just happy to be able to spend some time with him and get some exercise.
This evening my wife, Katie and I looked at some TM YouTube videos on the tv in the living room. Many people, including Ellen Degeneres, Jerry Seinfeld, Clint Eastwood, and Jennifer Aniston swear by it. It looks like a great technique for Katie to learn at such a young age to help deal with “Middle School” issues.