Day #4719 (Wed., Dec. 7, 2022) – Concert Drama
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All of the leaves in our front yard appeared orange this morning as I took Bobby to school (see photo to the right). Not sure why, but perhaps the fog and clouds created this effect?
On the way to Glenwood this morning I talked to Bobby about this girl on a YouTube video who was having problems weighing the parrot on her finger. I told him that the easiest way was to weigh yourself with the bird, and when you put the bird back into the cage, weight yourself again. The difference is the weight of the bird. Bobby replied that you could do that by weighing the bird in and out the case as well…good idea.
We also talked about bats and Bobby already realized that they use sonar to determine where objects are as they fly about.
When I picked Bobby up after school this afternoon he told me that he had strawberry parfait for lunch. His second favorite lunch, with the top one being mango parfait. We also practiced the tongue twister “toy boat”.
There was a bit of drama in Katie’s concert class this afternoon. The teacher corrected her for not playing well, but does she realize that Katie has been sick for weeks and didn’t have time to practice?
Katie tried out the theatre monologue that she will be delivering in class tomorrow. It deals with a divorced girl going back to her childhood bedroom in the house she lived in when she was a little girl.
Katie had a hankering for sugar cookies so I picked up some Pillsbury “you bake” cookies while I was at Harris-Teeter getting a loaf of bread this evening. They took a long time to bake…it seems that our oven needs to be repaired.