Day #337 (Mon., Dec. 6, 2010) – Bring On The Drums!
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I stopped off at Trader Joe’s on the way home from work to pick up some organic eggs and yogurt for little Katie. As I was driving home my wife called to say that little Katie was fussy, so we decided to take her for a drive as soon as we got home. We drove around a bit so she could sleep, then went to Moe’s for dinner.

While at Moe’s I was getting some salsa. I overheard a lady tell her daughter “Now that is one cute baby”. I should have known it…she was up talking to my wife and little Katie a few minutes before I saw her.
My wife got a box of “Happy Nights” Diapers today (see photo to the left), diapers especially made for babies nighttime sleep. They are much thicker than normal diapers, so little Katie will hopefully be able to sleep better, and wake up less. They are size #4…so little Katie is wearing size #3 diapers during the day, and size #4 diapers at night.
This evening little Katie started to bang her rattle on the recycling bin in her playyard. Should we get a drum set…and earplugs next?
1) Little Katie has learned to make more noise when she bangs a rattle on a plastic box.