Day #4723 (Sun., Dec. 11, 2022) – No More Kid’s Meals
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In the Advent Calendar this morning Bobby received some “Exploding Reindeer Poop”. When I bought it, I actually thought it was candy as the package was so colorful. As it turns out, they are tiny little blasting caps! You throw them on a hard surface and they explode! Bobby and I had fun playing with them in the front yard.
It’s gonna be a busy day for Katie, so I decided that I would have Daddy/Son Day #59 with Bobby!
Katie’s day involved going with Tinsley to see a Dr. Seuss play at the Art Center in Carrboro, then to Ayra and Arnesa’s birthday party, and then to see the Chapel Hill Philharmonic where Miss Patricia conducted. I guess that Ansar was Katie’s shadow at the birthday party (see photo to the left). Katie is such a good big sister and wonderful with kids!
Bobby and I started off our day by going to McDonald’s. Bobby expressed a desire to have two cheeseburgers, and doesn’t really care for the toy, so I decided to get him the double cheeseburger combo deal like I get Katie. Extra fries and a larger fruit punch so he loved it! I also picked up the same for Katie and Bobby got an ice cream cone to munch on as well. It looks like the days of the McDonald’s kids meals are gone!
Next up was the Dollar Store where I bought Bobby a slingshot that he wanted. He used his own money to buy a couple of action figures.
The third and final visit on our list today was to Aldi. We are out of milk, again! The kids are back into cereal again and the milk goes fast! I got two gallons today. I also picked up some White Castle cheeseburgers from the frozen section that I think the kids will like.