Day #338 (Tue., Dec. 7, 2010) – Putting Toys Back
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My wife told me that she saw little Katie put toys back into a bucket today. She is quite adept at taking them out and throwing them all over the place. This is the first time we saw her actually put them back. Our little girl is growing up.
I got the following email from my wife while I was at work: Little Katie slept for over 3 hours… I can hear something – she must be getting up. I have no clue what she’ll be doing tonight. But there is no point of putting her to bed at 7 pm for a second nap..

Hmmm… Conclusion: Could a drive be in the works tonight? (turns out we didn’t need one).
It’s hard to keep shoes on little Katie these days. She keeps kicking until they fall off. During one particular stroll my wife had to put them on about 10 times!!! She rigged up a solution (photo to the right). Skiing pants have elastic bands that hold footwear in place, and they work great for little Katie at this stage of her life.
I stopped off at Sam’s Club on the way home from work today. I got a huge package of AA batteries and another package of C batteries. All the various electronic toys that little Katie owns and plays with need batteries…and the more we have on hand the better.
When I came home this evening little Katie was reading books on my wife’s lap. She heard the car and started to say “ta ta”. When my wife confirmed, yes daddy is home, she got real excited and started jumping.
I cleaned up the playyard this evening. My wife tells me that if it is clean and organized little Katie will play in it for a couple of hours and not be fussy.
1) Little Katie has started to put toys back into their original place now…