Day #4726 (Wed., Dec. 14, 2022) – Katie Draws Herself

At Glenwood it was “Dress Up As Your Favorite Christmas Person” Day!  Bobby dressed up as an elf.  His sister lent him a toque hat to add to his outfit.

Katie forgot her laptop at school so my wife had to go back to Phillips and drop it off.

When I picked up Bobby this afternoon he told me that he had chicken nuggets inside of a salad for lunch.  He loved the chicken nuggets but didn’t care for the salad much… 🙂  He also told me that JJ has been picking on him in Mr. Yang’s class…  I guess he was picking on the hairs on Katie’s toque and would not stop when Bobby asked him to…  We’re getting to the bottom of it…  Developing story…  We don’t want Bobby to feel bullied, but we want all the facts as well.

My wife picked up Katie from school early today as she had a headache.  Too bad she can’t take ibuprofen for something like this, but they do not allow “drugs” on the school grounds.

In regards to the Advent Calendar today, Bobby got a guitar for one of his Roblox characters, and Katie got an iPhone case.

The photo to the right shows the drawing that Katie made of herself today.  Pretty good, eh?