Day #4727 (Thu., Dec. 15, 2022) – New Violin?

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning.  It was cold and raining cats and dogs, they say very similar to the weather that exists in Victoria in November.

Katie tweeted out this afternoon that her math grade was upgraded to 97 as she missed a number of assignments due to her being sick for a number of weeks this semester.  She is so excited.

Bobby showed me the airplanes that he made in Mr. Wang’s “Chinese Culture” class today (see photo to the right).  I guess the teacher let them have some free time???

The kids had their violin class this afternoon.  Both kids did great.  The bow on Bobby’s violin needs to be replaced, but Miss Patricia thinks that he needs a larger violin as well, so we will wait till after the concert on Saturday and get him a new one.

Katie is super excited this evening.  In theatre class they didn’t choose all the parts for the upcoming play, so Katie still has a chance for a good one.  I already mentioned that her math grade was upgraded.  Oh, and tomorrow is the last day of school.  Trifecta!