Day #4738 (Mon., Dec. 26, 2022) – Boxing Day
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They don’t call it such here in the US, but in Canada the day after Christmas is called “Boxing Day”. In doing a quick Wikipedia search I found this… “Though it originated as a holiday to give gifts to the poor, today Boxing Day is primarily known as a shopping holiday. It originated in Great Britain and is celebrated in a number of countries that previously formed part of the British Empire“.
We spent most of the day playing with our Christmas gifts, especially the drones! There is the little circular “ball” drone that Bobby got in his stocking. It’s effectively a ball with a fan in it that flashes when you throw it. All four of us had fun throwing it around the living room this afternoon.
You can see the little “paperclip” blade guard fix I made for the drone yesterday in the photo to the left.
We were out of milk so I went to Harris-Teeter to get groceries this evening. All the holiday candy was about 80% off, so I kinda overbought, but at those prices you get a lot of “bang for your buck”. The kids will love it!
This evening Bobby and I went outside to play with the “real drone” that he got for Christmas! He’s getting pretty good at navigating it around. Maple is actually a bit scared of it. I attached a little hook I made out of a coat hangar to the bottom of it and we tried to pick up a little pail I made out of the rest of the coat hanger and the coffee cup I picked up from Sheetz the other day. Soon it was time for Bobby to go to bed.