Day #4745 (Mon., Jan. 2, 2023) – Horseback Riding
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The kids went to school today. Most parents have the day off as it is the day after New Years, so why do the kids need to go back to school? Go figure…
On the drive to Glenwood this morning Bobby and I talked about the difference between hardwood and softwood trees. I also told him how we used to “tap” the maple trees for maple syrup when I was a kid.
I picked Bobby up at 2:40 pm today, as is the norm. On the way home he told me that he had hummus and pretzels for lunch. We surmised that the days of mango parfaits for lunch might be behind us as it is not the season? Not sure…
I took the kids to the Sunrise Community Farm Center (formerly Spence’s Farm) this afternoon for a 4:30 pm riding lesson. Katie got to ride “Rainy” and Bobby got to ride “Tonka” (see photo to the left). Lucia, Bobby’s classmate, was there to show Bobby the ropes. The trainer, Laura, was very good and patient. She showed the kids the various things that they needed to do in order to be a successful rider. How to get on a horse and get off. How to have the horse go into the direction that you want. By the time that the lesson was over they were in full control of their horses and able to “trot” a bit. The kids loved it. So much so that Bobby asked the trainer when he could do it again. She laughed and said talk to your parents.
Horse riding is not cheap. This hour long session cost $45 x 2 = $90. The kids would love to do it every day, but the finances is the main question. I think we should set something up where we pay for some lessons and the kids can get others by busking for money. This is one way to see how much they really want it…