Day #340 (Thu., Dec. 9, 2010) – Filled It Up With Toys

I was balancing little Katie on my lap this evening when a commercial with dogs came on television. She went nuts screaming out loud. She really loves dogs.

2010-12-09 - Filled Up Toy Box
2010-12-09 - Filled Up Toy Box

My wife was taking a picture of a bucket this evening (see photo to the right) and asked me what was special about it. Apparently little Katie filled it up with toys…all by herself.

My wife told me that little Katie was putting her bath toys on the side of the tub. This is where I put them when little Katie takes a bath. She also ran some of the toys down the slide…which is another thing I have done in the past.

Little Katie has discovered the wonders of balloons. We gave her one to play with. Let’s see if this fascination continues if/when it explodes…

We had an HOA Meeting this evening. I had to leave early as I thought little Katie might be fussy and would have to be taken on her drive around Cary to calm down.

1) Little Katie has learned to put toys into a bucket…rather than throwing them around.