Day #4751 (Sun., Jan. 8, 2023) – Daddy’s Comic
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Bobby has been asking me to show him the comic that I made almost 15 years ago, so today is the day! You can see both Bobby and Katie reading it in the photo to the right.
It is called “The Innovative Dr. Knowledge” and revolves around a boy who loses his mother at a young age. After a shipwreck he is alone on a desert island and uses the books that have washed ashore as his entertainment. He develops expertise in math, and long story short, uses these skills to fight crime and helps others once he gets back on the mainland. A bit for the young audience, a bit a tribute to the “campy” humor of Batman from the 60’s, and adult math and algorithm to be sure. Kind of a “Proof of Concept” comic, but I never did anything with it after that.
My wife took Katie to UNC this afternoon to drop off some of the loose leaf binders were were going to throw out. They have an area for stuff like this so others can use them rather than them just ending up in the trash.
My wife asked Bobby to clean up his Legos this afternoon. He opted to take a bath. He was in the bathtub for a LONG time… Such is how much he didn’t want to clean up his Legos… 🙂
I put Bobby to bed this evening. He was in “tickling” mode, but was “out like a light” soon after his head hit the pillow. He must have been exhausted.