Day #4763 (Fri., Jan. 20, 2023) – Puss In Boots: The Last Wish
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I drove Bobby to Glenwood this morning and picked him up at 2:40 pm this afternoon as well. He told me that they had cheese pizza for lunch today and that he is back to being friends with Pavel. Bobby told me that he is Russian…I said that he should get him to slow down… Bobby just stared at me, then got it… No, he’s from Russia he replied.
Bobby showed me the art drawing he did in art class (see photo to the left).
Katie got together with Tinsley and a few other friends at Silver Spot this evening to see “Puss In Boots: The Last Wish”. This is the first time that Katie has been to a movie theater since COVID. Tinsley’s dad dropped them off and I picked them up.
On the way home from Glenwood this afternoon Bobby mentioned how he wanted to see “Puss In Boots” since Katie was going this evening with her friends. I decided that I would take him to the Lumina tomorrow to see it for our monthly Daddy/Son Day. It’s already been out for about a month, so the place should be relatively empty. He will get a chance to get the “Popcorn Combo” meal that Katie loved so much when we used to go.