Day #4764 (Sat., Jan. 21, 2023) – To The Lumina
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My wife took the kids to their viola/violin lessons this morning. Katie did great, but Bobby was rather unruly. We’re going to have to figure out how to get Bobby to play attention and not be so fussy…
While they were away at lessons I went to Aldi for supplies. We are out of milk of course, but I also picked up some other supplies, including Valentine’s Day cookies and some Fun Dip for the kids.
This afternoon I took Bobby to the Lumina theatre to see “Puss In Boots: The Last Wish”, the same movie that Katie saw last night. This is effectively Daddy/Son Day #60. It’s kind of sad to see how this theater is kind of going down hill. Bobby and I were the only two at the show, and I think I only saw one other couple go into another theatre to see a different show. You can see him in the photo to the right, and the little “red dot” at the bottom of the picture is him in the back row in his hoodie…
Bobby got the kiddie combo meal of popcorn, gummies, and drink. He left the theatre two times during the show to get a drink refill. He did ask when the show was over with about 30 minutes left to go, but at least he didn’t ask to leave.
This evening we had our first “family meeting” to discuss issues and events and problems. We’re still trying to figure out the format, but the plan is to have one of these every evening so that we can keep abreast of what’s happening in each other’s lives. In days gone by most people used to do this at the dining room table during the evening meal, but this doesn’t work into our time schedules.