Day #4766 (Mon., Jan. 23, 2023) – Spring & Rainy

It’s a teacher work day here in Chapel Hill so no school today for the kids.

My wife and Bobby finally built the Lamborghini Lego that we got for him a while back.  When he initially got it he wasn’t careful and some of the pieces went missing, or were misplaced.  It took a while to figure it all out, but it’s good now…

This afternoon Bobby built himself a robot costume out of a cardboard box (see photo to the right).  It included a cutout in the front for his face, and arm bands as well.

This evening Bobby and I played a game that he created.  You basically hide an object, and someone tries to hit you with “cardboard Ninja stars” while the other guy tries to find it.

My wife took Katie and Bobby horseback riding this afternoon.  Katie was on “Spring”, and Bobby was on “Rainy”.  This was the first time that Bobby was not on Topper.  Katie had an English saddle and Bobby had a Western saddle.  Bobby was too active and the trainer was trying to calm him down around the horses.

Just before bed this evening Bobby drank a HUGE mug of milk.  I think he got this from the “Puss in Boots” movie that we saw yesterday as Puss was always drinking milk.  At any rate he was up just before midnight to go to the bathroom (no doubt!!!).  He wanted to stay up, but was soon back to bed and out.