Day #4774 (Tue., Jan. 31, 2023) – Van Rider!

Today was Bobby’s first day as a “Van Rider”!  This is what they call those kids who are picked up at Glenwood by after school programs and taken to their facilities.  In this case, both Lucia and Bobby are “Van Riders” for Spence’s Farm.  This is his first day, and Laura, the lady who gives him horseback riding lessons, was the rider of the van.

So, after dropping Bobby off at Glenwood this morning I didn’t need to pick him up at Glenwood this afternoon.  Instead I went to Spence’s Farm at 5:30 pm to pick him up for the 6:00 pm dismissal.  I had to sign him out.  You can see the Spence’s Farm house that has the pickup sheet in the photo to the right.  You can clearly see the wood fire that they have burning as well.

Since I didn’t need to pick Bobby up, I picked Katie up!  She told me that the kids at social studies class were much better behaved this evening for some reason.  My wife even emailed the teacher offering to sit in on the class if that would help…  We’ll see what the answer to that email is.

When I picked Bobby up this evening he was covered in mud so he went into the tub as soon as he got home.  Spence’s Farm has a number of activities that the kids can do, but he mainly just ran around with Lucia and her friends.  He loved it!  It’s hard to believe that we need to play for this, something that we did for free when I was a kid.

Bobby said that he was much better behaved in class today.  He got only two warnings for being disruptive, which I’m sad to say, is an improvement…

This evening, my wife put Bobby to bed, and then we, along with Katie, watched some videos of snowstorms on Prince Edward Island.