Day #4777 (Fri., Feb. 3, 2023) – No Reminder’s Today!!!
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I went to Trader Joe’s after dropping Bobby off at Glenwood this morning. I always have high hopes when I got there, but since the pandemic my hopes always seemed to get crushed. For example, today I went there specifically for the tortellini that the kids love, and they were totally out of it! They did have this selection (see photo to the left), but not the cheese tortellini that the kids, especially Katie, love! Other tortellini’s at Harris-Teeter and Aldi just won’t do…
When I picked Bobby up this afternoon it was hard to start a conversation because he was reading a new book he picked up at the school library about an “amulet”. He mentioned that it’s a magical amulet of some sort. I didn’t want to distract him too much as I’m very happy that he is into reading these days. I did learn that he received “No Reminders” today, which is when a teacher reminds the student to pay attention, so we are making progress.
When we got home I put some corn on the cobb into the pressure cooker for the kids. It’s the one thing that I know they will both eat, at least for now. Bobby also had a bowl of “Moose Tracks” ice cream, which he loved.
Katie had to go to the dentist right after school today, so she could not go down to the creek with Bobby. He was so disappointed, he had his backpack ready and everything. I guess that they both go down there and read. I’m sure that this will be on the agenda for this weekend.
We had a family meeting to discuss family topics this evening, but Bobby was very “rambunctious” and wouldn’t stop teasing Katie, so we cut it short and off to bed he went. I even told him that if he calmed down he would be able to stay up for longer, but it was no good. We really need to find a lot of physical activities for this boy so he can burn off this extra energy…