Day #4781 (Tue., Feb. 7, 2023) – Meeting Blake
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I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning while my wife took Katie to Phillips. My wife stayed home the rest of the day while I transported the kids back and forth.
After dropping Bobby off at Glenwood I went to Trader Joe’s. I wanted to see if Tuesday would be any better in regards to getting cheese tortellini, but it was not. They are out…I guess for quite a while. The pandemic has sure messed up their supply chain.
I didn’t need to pick up Bobby at Glenwood this afternoon as he’s off to Spence’s Farm for day camp. He’s what they call a “Van Rider” today. So, I picked Katie up instead. You can see the road work that they are doing outside of Katie’s school in the photo to the left.
Katie had free time today so we went to Aldi grocery shopping together. It’s always good to go grocery shopping with the kids as the will be able to see what is available and pick up what they want. For example, today got some frozen fried mozzarella sticks, tater tots, and BBQ chips.
I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm at 6:00 pm this evening. He told me that he spent a lot of time on the zip line. A girl he met there, Blake, who is five years old, and said she wants to be his best friend. Bobby obliged so as not to hurt her feelings. On the drive home he told me that he had spaghetti for school lunch today, but they kind of tricked him and didn’t say that there was pepperoni in it.