Day #4785 (Sat., Feb. 11, 2023) – Raiders of the Lost Ark!
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My wife took the kids to the group viola/violin lesson this morning. Since they did both did good I decided to proceed with the combined Daddy/Daughter Day #129 and Daddy/Son Day #61 event that I planned, which is to watch the “Raiders of the Lost Ark” movie.
We started off the day by going to McDonalds. Initially Katie wanted Chick-Fil-A, but she switched her choice when she realized she would get more food at McDonalds. Bobby always wanted to go to McDonalds. Katie didn’t want to drive with me, but Bobby did, so off we went. As a bit of a reward for Bobby making the drive with me he got to have an ice cream cone as well. It’s too difficult to hold a cone and drive it back to give it to Katie.
The kids “liked” the movie, but not as much as I thought they would. My wife thought the ending was too “out there”. I gave the kids some “Milk Duds” to munch on after their McDonalds meal.
Later this afternoon Bobby and I went outside to play. We threw the baseball around for a bit and then experimented with “rain” from the hose over the umbrella (see photo to the right).