Day #4787 (Mon., Feb. 13, 2023) – Pale Strawberries!

The kids had another teacher work day today, so no school for them.  I sure wished we had all these teacher work days when I was growing up.  I don’t even remember if they had them back then?

My wife and I had a Zoom meeting with Bobby’s English teacher this morning.  She wanted to go over some areas for improvement and told us how impressed she was with the improvements he has made since our last zoom meeting.

Since the kids are having horseback riding today I suggested to my wife that they get their viola/violin practice out of the way.  I told Bobby that I was going to Aldi and if he behaved I would get him a “special something”.  I did, some chocolate/fudge/marshmallow cookies for both Katie and him to enjoy!

I went to Aldi to pick up groceries today.  Katie wanted peaches, but they were out, so I picked up these “pale” strawberries as a substitute (see photo to the left).  Well, Bobby loved them.  He loved them so much in fact that he took the whole package out to the patio and munched away.  He did bring 1/2 the package back, but by the sheer fact he took the whole package out shows how much he liked them.

My wife took the kids horseback riding this afternoon.  Bobby was back on Tonka today (not sure if this was due to the troubles that he had controlling M&M last week).  Both kids got to do a little jumping today!  Small jumps mind you, but jumping nonetheless.

Katie is doing a school project on Aretha Franklin so my wife and her watched a bit television about Aretha this evening.

This evening Bobby and I played a card game that he came up with, and then a few rounds of hide & seek, and then he was off to bed.