Day #4788 (Tue., Feb. 14, 2023) – Valentine’s Day
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Bobby took gifts to his teachers this morning for Valentine’s Day. He had so much stuff in his backpack that he had to take his lunch with him separately. You can see the gifts for the teachers, and the Valentine’s gifts that he took for the kids last week, in the photo to the right.
I picked up Katie at school at 3:20 pm this afternoon. We talked a bit about the Aretha Franklin assignment she has for Creative Writing class. We talked a bit about her, and Whitney Houston, and Mariah Carey. We also talked about how they don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day at Phillips like they did at Glenwood. I suggested it is due to the fact that it’s much more “volatile” at the middle school age. For example, I asked Katie if she handed out one of the boy’s in her class a Valentine that said “I Love You”… Got her to think…
I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm this evening. I went a bit early and told Bobby that I was in the car, but he could play as long as he wanted. He played for a bit more, and then came out to the car. I still had to go back to sign him out.
Bobby was not hungry when he got home. We found out why… He ate all the Valentine’s candy he got today! Bobby told me that his teachers didn’t open up the wrapped gifts he gave them this morning. He also told me the process the kids had to pass out their Valentines. I guess the teacher would call out a student’s name, they would pick up their backpack, and go desk-to-desk and hand out their Valentine’s. When they were done, the teacher would call out another student’s name. He also told me that the girls liked the “stress balls” that he handed out to the kids, but not the boys. I suggested that the boys were creating all the stress that the girls needed the stress balls for… Got him to thinking…