Day #4802 (Tue., Feb. 28, 2023) – Flooring Shopping
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I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning. PE (i.e.: Physical Education) is on Monday’s and Tuesday’s so he likes school better on these two days. In addition, he gets to go to Spence’s Farm once school is over.
I picked up Katie at Phillips this afternoon. They are working on Estes Street just in front of her school. They were trying to pound a street post into the ground with an excavator (see photo to the left). Kind of comical, especially when they totally destroyed the arrow sign on the top from all that relentless pounding.
I was thinking of taking Katie to Dunkin Donuts for a snack after school, but in the end my wife called me and we needed to go get some laminate flooring as Adan is ready for it. So, with Katie in tow, off we went. For starters we went to McDonald’s for a cheeseburger meal for Katie and I, then Sam’s Club. When Sam’s Club didn’t have the laminate flooring we needed we went to Home Depot and Lowe’s. Not knowing which option was best, we picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm at 6:00 pm, and then went home…
Once we got home Adan and I went to Home Depot (yet again) to see which option would be best, and ended up back home again… We decided to call up the real estate agent and see what her idea of a “finished basement” is… She is coming out on Friday to see the house and we will proceed based on her recommendations. What a frustrating and long day of shopping! We will all be glad to get this basement done!