Day #343 (Sun., Dec. 12, 2010) – Sitting Up By Herself
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Little Katie was playing in her playyard this afternoon. She was standing on top of her Old McDonald’s Farm Toy and it was making all kinds of sounds. Leave it to little Katie to find out how to make the most noise possible.
We had another Skype session with my mother this morning. We have a tradition that when we are done, little Katie will play with the cell phone til she hits the “end” key, at which point the phone call will go dead and that will be it. After she hit the end key today she threw the cell phone across the playyard. I told her to go get it and give it to me…and she did!!! Not sure if this was a fluke or not, but our little girl is surely growing up.

I had to run a number of errands today. It was raining cold and hard this morning so I waited til this afternoon. I had to return the baby gate I got at Target a while back (it was not big enough). I also stopped off at Trader Joe’s to get some groceries for little Katie.
When I got home my wife gave little Katie to me to play with while she put the groceries away. I sat her down on the little diaper box in her playyard and she was able to balance herself quite well. My wife was very excited about this and went to get the camera.
The baby gate in the hallway fell off this afternoon (see photo to the right). Little Katie grabs ahold of it and rattles it til it just couldn’t take it any longer. I used some bolts with wing nuts to secure it this time…that should hold it.
As my wife was putting little Katie to bed this evening she waved good night to me. This was the first time she did that.
Little Katie knows the word “train”. My wife will say it when she hears the train in the distance, and we have a book which has a picture of a train. When she sees the picture of a train in the book, she turns her head to the window to listen for the sound…as this is where it usually comes from.
1) Little Katie is able to sit up by herself pretty well now.