Day #4810 (Wed., Mar. 8, 2023) – Beware Ginger Baker

Adan is done laying laminate down in the basement bedroom (see photo to the left).  Now to work on the basement kitchen.  We are still working on what type of flooring we will put in the rest of the basement.

As I drove Bobby to Glenwood this morning we got to talking about “Sherwin Williams”, as they have a store on the drive to school.  I mentioned how you might need to know someone who is really knowledgeable about paint, and if so, that’s a great place to go.

Bobby will be a van rider after school today as he is making up the day at Spence’s Farm he missed yesterday.

I picked up Katie at Phillips this afternoon.  On the drive home we talked about Gio, and how he is still disrupting class.  I mentioned that Gio is probably on his way to a job at McDonalds, as he won’t have education for much more if he doesn’t start paying attention in class.  She mentioned that it is not only Gio, but other kids in the class as well who misbehave.

I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm at 6 pm this evening.  He was hungry so I’m going to have to start taking snacks for him to munch on during the drive home.

Katie is very excited about the fact that she now has 20 subscribers on her channel.  She put up a fashion photo of her latest clothes “haul” the other day.

As Bobby munched on his dinner this evening he watched the movie “Beware of Ginger Baker” on the television in the bedroom.  I was telling him about this crazy drummer Ginger Baker who hit his documentary film maker with his cane and he wanted to see it.