Day #4812 (Fri., Mar. 10, 2023) – New Phillips Pickup
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There is a new pickup location for the kids at Phillips starting today. We need to pick them up in the Estes school parking lot. When I arrived there to pick up Katie at about 2:40 pm they said that I was too early as the elementary school kids were just getting let out. They did let me get in line though, and I took the #1 position. I will try to come about 2:44 pm next time as they said we should start lining up at about 3 pm.
Once Katie got in the van we were off to Walgreens for a prescription for Bobby. While there Katie picked up a couple of packages of gum (see photo to the left). I will keep in mind this type in case she asks me to pick up some gum for her in the future.
I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm close to 5:45 pm today. It was rainy all day and since the kids left early today he was eager to leave. He had some carrots with him. He said that he was the only kid who wanted some carrots from the Spence’s Farm garden. When we got home he said that he had to wash them and I jokingly said that he could take them into the bath with him…
Bobby also told me that they made an owl out of clay in art class today.