Day #4813 (Sat., Mar. 11, 2023) – Bobby Turns 8!
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Bobby turned 8 today! We were planning on having a play date at the school yard for him, but it was not too be. Brin couldn’t make it and Ethan’s dog is very sick and needed to go to the vet.
It’s good that they were not able to go as Bobby was not able to go either. He woke up very sick and actually threw up in the LazyBoy. My wife took him to Urgent Care to see what the problem was… As it turns out there is water in one of his ears, but the doctor gave him some antibiotics as a precaution.
My allergies really got to me today! I couldn’t seem to wake up and went back to bed this afternoon! When I woke up Bobby was here asking me to look at the dragon drawing he did.
My wife and Katie went shopping so it was just he and I, so I decided to take him out to celebrate his birthday. I found out later that they actually went to get Bobby some birthday gifts. I asked Bobby what he wanted to do for his birthday, so off we went to McDonalds!
We at inside the McDonald’s near Fearrington Village. Bobby had his regular “Two Cheeseburger” meal. The bottom bun on my “Big Mac” was so hard that I sent it back and told them to make another for me. I jokingly asked the cashier to not click on the “tile” option this time… 🙂 Ray Kroc is probably rolling over in his grave to see what McDonalds has become!
Next up, to Harris-Teeter to get a birthday cake! Bobby was so cold that I gave him my jacket to warm up. He asked me if I would be cold and I said that being from Canada it probably doesn’t bother me as much as most… At Harris-Teeter he chose a chocolate ice cream cake.
When we arrived home my wife and Katie were already there. We had a little birthday party with Bobby! You can see him and the cake in the photo to the left. We didn’t realize it till after he tried to blow the candles out that they are “trick” birthday candles! They kept reigniting… 🙂 What a delicious cake.
My wife and Katie picked up the following birthday gifts for Bobby. Soccer shin guards, socks, and cleats. They also got him a little truck, trailer, and ATV set (at TJ Maxx so it was on sale).
I was telling Bobby about the “Terminator” series of movies. He wanted to watch them but alas, it was time for bed!