Day #4816 (Tue., Mar. 14, 2023) – HPV Shot

Bobby slept in late this morning so we had to rush to school.  I dropped him off at 7:50 pm, but it will take him time to get to class.  He would normally get a tardy, but they have not been passing them out as of late.  Perhaps because they are having such a hard time to get bus drivers and those kids are always late anyway?  Not sure.  I saw our neighbor Steve drop his boys off at Glenwood the other day by parking in the bank parking lot and walking them to school.  Not sure if that helps?

The photo to the left shows the toy cars that my wife and Katie picked up for Bobby at TJ Maxx on Saturday.

I took my Camry to Lloyds to get an oil chance today.  Overdue, but it was nice to get that done.  The only slot open was 3 pm, so my wife picked up Katie.  She had to take her to the doctor anyway, so it worked out.

While at the doctor Katie got an HPV shot.  The doctor also talked to her about how she exercises and this inspired her to take a walk once she got home.

I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm at 5:45 pm this evening.  He was playing “Hide & Seek” with Lucas at the time.  He said that Lucas is loud, and his favorite playmate is Charlotte.  He has issues with Lucia.  If you will recall, Lucia used to boss him around when they were sitting at the same home room table.

Katie’s blog is up to 90 subscribers.  She is getting more teen girls these days, so that’s nice.