Day #4829 (Mon., Mar. 27, 2023) – Pajama Day!

Today is Pajama Day at Glenwood so Bobby wore his PJ’s today.  Today they will have various fun days in preparation for “Spring Break”, which is next week.

As I was letting Bobby out of the car Mr. Yang appeared and opened his passenger side door for him.

I drove to Glenwood to pick Bobby up after school this afternoon.  My wife called me to remind me that we both forgot that Bobby is taking the bus now.  So, off to pick him up at the bus stop down the street.  The photo to the left shows the “Hope” rock that is beside the bus stop.  Someone took the time to paint the word “Hope” on it…  Not sure why.

When Katie came home she showed me where Jackie hit her on the corner of her face with a rock.  He apologized and said that he was aiming for his friend Michael.  My wife sent an email to the principal to complain.

Pollen has gotten to me this afternoon so my wife took the kids to their horseback riding lessons.  Katie got Spring and Bobby got Rainy today.