Day #4844 (Tue., Apr. 11, 2023) – Cleaning The Horse Stall
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Katie is still not feeling well so she stayed home from school. The pollen or “whatever” we have here in North Carolina has taken ahold of me again, so my wife took Bobby to school in my stead this morning.
I made nachos for my wife, Katie and I this afternoon. They sure were tasty! Katie munched on them while she played on her iPad (see photo to the left).
Bobby went to Spence’s Farm after school today. He sure loves to be a “van rider” and a “bus rider” once school is over. My wife picked him up at Spence’s Farm close to 6 pm this evening, as is the normal time. She found him in the horse barn cleaning the stall! In fact, the horse trainer Laura said that he came to ask her if he could and was so excited when he said yes. She went on to ask if Bobby’s room was clean as well. Right… Alas, no… My wife said that perhaps it’s because there is no “s***” in it?
Just before Bobby went to bed this evening he told me that he played “Four Square” and “Four Eyes” in gym class this afternoon. They are some sort of basketball type games.
Just before bedtime tonight Bobby put one of the cheeseburgers he got on Sunday night into the microwave and had a bedtime snack!