Day #347 (Thu., Dec. 16, 2010) – Sick Little Chipmunk
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Little Katie was up crying last night as well. She is just not herself these last couple of days.

My wife sent me a series of emails today. They went like this:
Katie is doing “ok”, but her nose is running like crazy… I ordered nasal spray online and it should get here tomorrow.
Before I wrote you the previous email, a strange thing happened. Katie was in her crib and started coughing-choking as if she has eaten something. I picked her up and she threw up… Poor chipmunk. I gave her a sippy cup with water and she even drank from all by herself! Then I started feeling sick and realized that it’s 4 pm and I haven’ had lunch. A quick bowl of cereal helped…
Katie is in bed now, hopefully will sleep soon…
We had an office party at work but I felt that it would be better if I head for home. My wife can’t drive at night, and in case little Katie turns for the worse it’s better to be home in case we need to go to the doctor or hospital.
1) Little Katie is a sick little chipmunk today.