Day #4858 (Tue., Apr. 25, 2023) – “Octopus” Game
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While taking Bobby to Glenwood this morning we passed UNC. Bobby mentioned how he wanted to go to college. I told him that he could do this now, as some teens have gone to medical school. He seemed interested until I mentioned that it would mean even more homework after school.
After dropping Bobby off at school I went to Harris-Teeter for supplies. We were out of milk, which is the main reason that I tend to end up in the grocery store. I found some Easter candy on sale so I picked that up for the kids as well.
Katie is home for another day today. She said that she feels worse than yesterday. She slept in till 10:45 am this morning.
Bobby has mentioned that he doesn’t want to go to Spence’s Farm on Fridays anymore as his friends do not go there on that day, so my wife switched his day to Thursday. Miss Patricia was good enough to switch their class to Fridays moving forward.
I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm this evening. He was playing a game with a basketball when I arrived (see photo to the left). My wife made a “Red Baron” pizza this evening so I took some slices of it so Bobby could munch on it during the drive home.
Bobby mentioned that they played “Octopus” in PE class today. I guess one person is the “octopus” and has two pond noodles. You try not to get hit by it, but if you are hit in the head you become the next “octopus”.