Day #4870 (Sun., May 7, 2023) – Soccer Tips

My wife let Bobby back on Roblox.  His account was disabled months ago when he ran up a bill for various objects without asking us.  We were hoping he would pay us back with his busking activities, but busking is not at the forefront of his favorite activities.  At any rate, he’s back on Roblox now…  Let’s see how long he can remain on it till his attitude starts to tank…

We went to see Bobby play soccer today.  It was very hot and I’m glad I wore a hat or I’m sure I would have gotten sunburned.  It’s also quite a little hike from the parking lot to the field.

Bobby started off as one of the defenders (see photo to the left), but the coached moved the kids around throughout the game.  Neither team had a goalie for today’s game for some reason.  I made note of Bobby’s play, and here are some pointers I’m going to give to him before next week’s game:

  1.  We need to take a towel and soak it in ice water so that when he comes to the sideline for a drink he can also wipe his face and torso down with this towel and cool off.  You’re not much good on the field if you are overheated and tired.  I’m reminded of the Ali & Foreman fight.  Foreman was a much more powerful hitter, but Ali wore him down till he was too exhausted to defend himself at the end of the fight.
  2. Remember to pass the ball and kick it if you can rather than just run around the field after it.  This will help the ball to get to where it needs to be without you wearing yourself out on the field.
  3. When you have a free throw (or a kick onto the field for that matter), look around for someone on your team who is open rather than someone who has a lot of defenders on him.  If someone has too many defenders on them, it’s easier for them to lose the ball and the other team take over.
  4. If someone on your team is throwing or kicking the ball into play, keep moving on the field so that you will give this person someone to give it to.
  5. If someone on the opposing team is throwing or kicking the ball into play, look for someone on their side who is open, as the ball will more or likely go to them.
  6. When you are playing, don’t just stand there.  Move around to try and either get yourself open, or identify the person who will get the ball next.
  7. When you are a defender, crunch down and be on the balls of your feet.  This will enable you to spring right or left as needed to get the ball when it comes in your direction.
  8. If you are a defender, and someone is coming to your net to score on you, don’t just look at their feet, but their eyes.  This will often give an indication on where they plan to put the ball.
  9. When you are a defender, try to come out of your net to narrow down the amount of the goal that they can score in.
  10. Be aware that if you are a defender, and do come out of the net, the offender can “fake you out” and get around you and score.
  11. Remember what Wayne Gretzky said when people asked him how he was able to score so many times.  He said “I go to where the puck is going, not where it is or has been”.  This applies to soccer just as much as it does to ice hockey.

Katie had another drawing class tonight.  She drew a unicorn and Medusa.

Bobby had some macaroni and cheese this evening.  Not the orange stuff from Aldi, but the yellow stuff from Trader Joe’s, the one that Katie likes.  This opens up a whole new range of dish ideas…