Day #4878 (Mon., May 15, 2023) – FSD Cars!

The photo to the right shows the “Oreo Ice Cream Cake” that we picked up for Mother’s Day yesterday.

On the way to Glenwood this morning Bobby and I got to talking about FSD (i.e.: “Full Self-Driving Cars”) and when they will come about.  They probably won’t be allowed on the road until the manufacturers can prove they won’t get into accidents and kill people.  This brought up an interesting idea for a novel…  What if the software is actually working, and those people who get killed are those people whose “Time Is Up”, and that is why they are killed, not because there is something wrong with the car…  Hmmm…  Or how about the idea that there are spiritual demons who are playing a lottery and if they win they get to “take someone out”…  Hmmm…

I picked up Bobby at the bus stop this afternoon.  It’s a real “hit or miss” if the bus will be on time or if the little app on my phone will tell me if the bus is here or not.  He told me that he had a PB&J for lunch today, and that in PE class they did “movements”…  For example one is if you are in a pretend boxing match with the evil monster in the Mario Brother’s movie.

I took the kids to horseback riding this afternoon.  Katie got to ride Aria (which is the “new horse”) and Bobby got M&M.  Sometimes M&M will try to relax and walk so Bobby has to exert effort to get her to trot.

We signed up Bobby for a martial arts camp for a week this summer.